
The Human-Feline Connection: How Your Personality Influences Your Cat’s Well-Being


While studies have long explored the influence of parents’ personalities on their children, the impact of human personalities on pets has only recently gained attention. A joint study from the University of Lincoln and Nottingham Trent University delves into the relationship between cat owners’ personalities and the behavior and overall well-being of their feline companions.

Linking Human Personality to Feline Well-Being:

Surveying 3,331 cat owners in the UK, researchers inquired about both the owners’ personality traits and their cats’ health, behavior, and well-being. The results revealed a noteworthy correlation: cats often exhibit characteristics mirroring the personality traits of their human companions.

For instance, cats cohabiting with highly neurotic individuals were more likely to display behavioral issues, obesity, aggression, and fearfulness. Conversely, cats living with organized, conscientious, and self-disciplined humans tended to exhibit less fear, aggression, and aloofness.

Personality and Cat Ownership:

The study also shed light on the relationship between personality traits and the number of cats owned. Individuals with multiple feline companions tended to lean towards introversion, lower agreeableness, and reduced neuroticism. However, they also displayed higher levels of conscientiousness.

Interpreting Study Findings:

While the study provides valuable insights, it is essential to approach the results with a degree of skepticism. The research didn’t delve into the underlying reasons for the link between human personality and feline well-being. Additionally, the survey focused on only five personality traits, which may not be comprehensive enough to quantify the full extent of a cat parent’s influence on their cat’s well-being.

Cats as Reflectors of Environment:

One intriguing takeaway from this study is the sensitivity of cats to their surroundings. Numerous studies have indicated that human stress directly impacts feline health. Recognizing how our energy and demeanor affect our cats underscores the deep connection between humans and their feline companions.

Cats as Guides for Personal Growth:

Viewed through the lens of cats being teachers in our lives, this study offers another perspective on how they may guide us towards becoming better individuals. Understanding that our own personal development can positively influence our cat’s well-being provides a powerful incentive for self-improvement.


The study illuminates the profound link between human personalities and feline well-being, showcasing the intricate connection between cat owners and their companions. While there may be limitations to the study, it serves as a reminder of the responsibility we hold in nurturing a harmonious and supportive environment for our feline friends.

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